I really love Valentine's Day - probably b/c my Mom does and always gets us a little something. Scott is of the "Hallmark holiday" opinion (the VD line is his all the way back to High School!), and that is OK. The reason that is OK is that he takes good care of me every day - and I know he loves me. So, a picture of my Valentines!
I had lunch with Mom today and she got me a very nice gift...with LOTS of chocolate, thank goodness it is not Lent yet! I made her a scarf to go with a jacket that she got recently. I think I am going to go back and get similar yarn in a different color and do one for myself! But first - I have to finish Baby Jimmy's blanket - he is to arrive on Friday!
OK magazine time...got my InStyle. There is something about the March issues, another good one. I have just flipped (which took about an hour) and not read yet - but I am impressed already! (They do not have the new issue up on the web or I would post the cover with the lovely Sandra Bullock!)
Day two with 40 mg of Prozac. I felt a little out of it last night and so I took a klonapin b/4 bed. As things were, I tried to only take the klonapin in emergency situations, might be using it a little more now. Stayed busy today and I think that helped a lot. S is getting home late from Nashville and our friend is coming over to do laundry and watch the Mocs play App State on CSS:
Once again we NEED this win to have any chance at a by in the tourney - I'll take a good, solid performance though, it is tough to beat App, even tougher on the road!
I am planning on making some cookies that I saw on the web :
My twist will be that I am going to melt the raspberry Hershey's kisses for the dipped chocolate part - hope that they are as good as I imagine them to be! AND they will be circles b/c I do not have a heart cookie cutter!

Well I think that is it for today. I am proudly sporting my red "there's no place like home" shoes today (imagine Dorothy's slippers without the sparkles and a boxier shape)! Love 'em. Usually wear them with a sun dress or Capri's in the summer, trying to pull them off with skinny jeans and tights today - not sure if I have accomplished that or not (S, the fashion guru, left b/4 he saw the outfit and could tell me which 80's concert it appeared I would be attending!).
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