Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I was down and you lifted me honey

Fifteen New Things About Me

1. I look forward to working out

2. I am taking less medicine

3. I am not (as) grumpy in the morning

4. I am dreaming like crazy

5. I am not napping as much

6. I am not jumpy in the late afternoon

7. I am encouraging my Mom and my friend KB to do a relay triathlon with me in July (found on ZBuck's site) so I can continue to train.

8. Koz's bump was NOT cancer!!!!

9. I am steadily increasing my mileage on my low heart rate, 30 minute runs (2.6 miles yesterday)

10. I am accepting that I can not control the world, let alone my life

11. I do not want to loose any more weight - size 8 is great

12. I gave away my first pack of peanut butter crackers to a homeless woman who seemed to truly appreciate them

13. I ran my car into a pole and dented my bumper...I realized there was no reason to get mad - that would not change anything

14. I like Peanut Butter Cookie Luna Bars

15. I am truly reconnecting with my spiritual side

Still shaking,
Still in pain,
You put me back together again (U2)

1 comment:

Dances with Corgis said...

Gah.. PB flavored Luna bars! Blegh :) I am not a fan of any PB-flavored sports bars... the faker, the better (ie- chocolate raspberry is one I love). Then again, you must really like PB since you started the PB Cracker Project (great idea, by the way!). I bet if I tried that in NYC the homeless would throw the crackers back at you and demand cash.